During the online meeting the reporting was discussed. Most of the project partners had participated in the webinar held by the JS just prior to the consortium meeting.
The deadline for reporting to the FLC (first level control) is on the 15th of January.
Category Archives: News
LoCaGas featured during the visit of a Turkish Delegation at Lithuanian Energy Institute
On the 27th of November 2024 Dr. Rolandas Paulauskas, LEI presented the LoCaGas project to the Turkish delegation.
Link to the event: https://www.lei.lt/en/turkish-delegation-visits-lei-to-discuss-climate-change-and-energy-efficiency/
Link to presentation: PowerPoint Presentation
Project consortium meeting 25 October 2024
The project consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 25th of October.

The main discussion point was the status of the project agreement (PA). The signatures of the final version are expected in December.
The coordinator, Robert Aranowski, Gdansk University of Technology, continued by going through the work plan and the time schedule for the project.
The next meeting is scheduled to the 13th of December.
JS and the LoCaGas project consortium gathered at Gdansk University of Technology
On the 7th of August the LoCaGas project consortium and Kamila Nowicka from the Interreg South Baltic Joint Secretariat gathered at Gdansk University of Technology for the kick-off.

Robert Aranowski from Gdansk University of Technology (3rd from the left and lead partner) welcomed all the participants and gave an overview of the project and the project management. Kamila Nowicka from the Joint Secretariat (6th from the left) gave a nice and informative presentation about the Interreg South Baltic programme and what is expected by the lead partner and the project partners. Then the work package leaders continued with their presentations.